How To Make A Gallery Wall For Your Living Room

How To Make A Gallery Wall For Your Living Room

When it comes to decorating your walls in your living room, there's a few options out there. You can use one print in a frame, use a single canvas, put up a mirror and more.

One of the most modern things to do is to create a gallery wall. We've already talked about exactly what a gallery wall is, and putting one of these in your living room can create a focal point that grabs attention.

You do however need to get it right, and this is how to do it. Here's how to make a gallery wall for your living room.

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Get Inspiration

Gallery Wall Inspo From Pinterest

Before diving into the project, take some time to gather inspiration.

Browse through interior design magazines, websites, and social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to discover different gallery wall layouts, colour schemes, and framing styles.

This will help you identify your preferences and set the tone for your unique gallery wall.

For those who want to get even deeper, you can create a mood board of some of the things you might want to include in your gallery wall.

We've got plenty of other wall art ideas for your living room if you're looking for inspiration on what to frame and hang.

Choose A Theme Or Concept

A cohesive theme or concept will give your gallery wall a sense of unity and purpose.

Whether it's a collection of family photos, artwork, or a combination of both, having a central theme will guide your choices in terms of colour, style, and arrangement.

Select Artwork And Frames

Picking Artwork For Your Gallery Wall

Now that you have a theme, start selecting the artwork and frames for your gallery wall.

Mix and match different sizes and shapes to create visual interest.

Consider using a variety of frames in a consistent colour scheme for a harmonious look.

Don't forget to include a mix of personal photos, artwork, and decorative pieces to add layers and depth.

Plan Your Layout

Gallery Wall Layout Ideas

Before hanging anything on the wall, plan your layout on the floor.

Arrange your chosen pieces in different configurations until you find a layout that you love.

Take measurements to ensure everything fits well within the designated space.

Be creative: Experiment with asymmetry or a symmetrical grid, depending on your style.

Get Tools And Materials

To make the installation process smooth, gather the necessary tools and materials.

You'll likely need a hammer, nails, a level, measuring tape, and possibly a pencil for marking.

Consider using adhesive strips or hooks for lightweight items to avoid damaging your walls.

Start Hanging

Begin hanging your artwork according to the layout you planned.

Start with the central piece and work your way outward.Use a level to ensure each piece is straight, and measure the spacing between frames for a polished finish.

Don't be afraid to make adjustments as needed to achieve the desired balance.

Stand Back And Admire

Gallery Wall Example For Living Room

That should be that! You've selected the pieces, planned out the wall and now you've hung all your art pieces. You've created your gallery wall and now it's time to enjoy it.

Don't forget, you'll want to take plenty photos for social media, and show off your impressive gallery wall.

Once your friends and family have seen your living room gallery wall, they'll want to do one themselves!

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